Saturday, July 26, 2014

Mondo Stray: a documentary on life of a stray dogs in different parts of the world

 Mondo Stray:   Stray dogs in the World

If you love dogs you must read about a new project being bring the plight

stray dogs around the world.

Find more details and photos at: 

 Fiona Cole and Carlo Cesario, and we are making a documentary film about what it means to be a stray dog in different parts of the world. The name of the film is Mondo Stray. 

In each country we visit, we will look at the national stray dog policies, explore cultural attitudes towards dogs, and zoom in on local dog rescue organizations that are making a difference. We will find out what’s working, and tell the stories of some of the amazing people behind these efforts. Along the way, we will also meet different rescue dogs with their own stories to tell.

Our goal in the making of Mondo Stray is to provide a roadmap of the central issues behind this global problem and, more importantly, to promote positive solutions for stray dogs everywhere. 

Our hope is that Mondo Stray will contribute to the growing international effort to reduce the suffering of millions of dogs. 

 August 2014

Fiona Cole shared a link via Mondo Stray.
Check out our Dogumentary Dance Video!

We are so encouraged by all the support and feedback we have received for our documentary film. Thank you to those of you who have contributed donations, 'likes' and 'shares'. We appreciate it so much... See More

 The fundraising has begun and I will try to post updates

as Mondo Stray gets closer to their goal.
One of the recue sites that shall be interviewed and filmed is:
Lega Pro Animale is a registered Italian non-profit animal welfare organisation, established in 1986 by
German veterinarian, Dorothea Friz. 



*THROUGHOUT 2014 AISPA will continue their 'Matched Funding', which means they will match any single donation of £250 or more, doubling your donation! *  Click here to read how.
















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